{% extends "layouts/master.html.twig" %}
{% block pageHeader %}
{% include 'molecules/page-header.html.twig' with {
breadcrumb: [
{ path: path('index'), title: 'Libro de estilo web da USC' }
title: 'Plantillas (modelos de páxinas)'
} %}
{% endblock %}
{% block pageContent %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Portadas</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('frontpage'),
title: 'Portada',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('profile_frontpage'),
title: 'Perfil',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('campusc_frontpage'),
title: 'CampUSC',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Subportadas</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('level2'),
title: 'Subportadas',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('level3'),
title: 'Nivel 3',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('level4'),
title: 'Nivel 4',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Páxinas de contido</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('generic_page'),
title: 'Xenérica',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('generic_page_2_cols'),
title: 'Xenérica con dúas columnas',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('timeline'),
title: 'Timeline',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('course'),
title: 'Estudos',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('stats_page'),
title: 'Datos',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('service'),
title: 'Servizos/ espazos/ entidades/ órganos...',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Xornal</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('journal_frontpage'),
title: 'Portada',
text: ' ',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('journal_frontpage_2'),
title: 'Portada con dúas novas',
text: ' ',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('journal_external_news'),
title: 'Está a pasar',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('news_item'),
title: 'Nova',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('journal_dossier'),
title: 'Dossier',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('journal_section'),
title: 'Subportada',
text: ' ',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('news_item_no_image'),
title: 'Nova sen imaxe',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Axenda</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('agenda_frontpage'),
title: 'Portada de axenda',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('agenda_search'),
title: 'Resultados de búsqueda en axenda',
text: 'Con formulario adaptado a Drupal',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('event'),
title: 'Evento',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('event_no_media'),
title: 'Evento sen imaxe',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Buscadores e taboleiros</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('search_results'),
title: 'Buscador xenérico',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('board'),
title: 'Taboleiro',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('board_create'),
title: 'Publicar anuncio',
text: 'Con formulario adaptado a Drupal',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('repository'),
title: 'Directorio',
text: 'Con formulario de Drupal',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('board_drupal'),
title: 'Taboleiro (Drupal)',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Microsites</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('microsite_frontpage'),
title: 'Portada',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('microsite_frontpage_logos'),
title: 'Portada con logos',
text: 'Diferentes opcións de logotipos dispoñibles en portada',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('microsite_level3'),
title: 'Subportada',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('microsite_level3_logos'),
title: 'Subportada con logos',
text: 'Diferentes opcións de logotipos dispoñibles en páxinas interiores',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('microsite_generic_page'),
title: 'Páxina de contido',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('microsite_news_item'),
title: 'Nova',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
link: path('microsite_event'),
title: 'Evento',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">CAS</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_cas_login_all_methods'),
title: 'Login todos os métodos',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_cas_login_all_methods_errors'),
title: 'Login todos os métodos',
text: 'Con mensaxes de erro',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_cas_login_external'),
title: 'Login a través de servizo externo',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_cas_login_crendentials'),
title: 'Login con credenciais',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_cas_login_other_methods'),
title: 'Login outros métodos',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_cas_success'),
title: 'Login correcto',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_cas_error'),
title: 'Erro no login',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_cas_notices'),
title: 'Avisos',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_cas_notices_multi_action'),
title: 'Avisos con máis dunha acción',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Servizos</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-frontpage'),
title: 'Portada',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services_level_2'),
title: 'Subportada',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('generic_facility'),
title: 'Instalación xenérica',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services_program'),
title: 'Programa',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-program-with-activities'),
title: 'Programa con actividades integradas',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services_activity'),
title: 'Actividade',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-activity-auto'),
title: 'Actividade integrada',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('special_facility_front_page'),
title: 'Portada instalación singular',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('areas_skin'),
title: 'Skin Áreas',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services_skin'),
title: 'Skin Servizos',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('facilities_skin'),
title: 'Skin Instalacións',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('journal_skin'),
title: 'Skin Xornal',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Drupal</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('drupal_forms'),
title: 'Formularios',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('drupal_cookie_banner'),
title: 'Banner de cookies',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Pantallas</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_display_main'),
title: 'Pantalla base',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_display_alert'),
title: 'Pantalla con aviso',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_display_alert_slide'),
title: 'Pantalla con aviso grande',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_display_event'),
title: 'Pantalla con evento',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_display_news_item'),
title: 'Pantalla con nova',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_display_brief'),
title: 'Pantalla con breve',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_display_banner'),
title: 'Pantalla con báner',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_display_no_sidebar'),
title: 'Pantalla sen barra lateral',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_display_no_sidebar_banner'),
title: 'Pantalla con báner',
text: 'Sen barra lateral',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_display_video'),
title: 'Pantalla con vídeo',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_display_no_sidebar_video'),
title: 'Pantalla con vídeo',
text: 'Sen barra lateral',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_display_image_full'),
title: 'Pantalla con imaxe completa',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('site_display_iframe'),
title: 'Pantalla con iframe',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% endblock %}