{% extends "layouts/master.html.twig" %}
{% block pageHeader %}
{% include 'molecules/page-header.html.twig' with { title: 'Libro de estilo web da USC' } %}
{% endblock %}
{% block pageContent %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Guía de estilo</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('style-text'),
title: 'Voz e ton',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('style-image'),
title: 'Imaxe',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Guía de deseño frontend</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('docs_overview'),
title: 'Introdución',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('color_typography'),
title: 'Cores e tipografías',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('docs_layout'),
title: 'Layout e retícula',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('docs_atoms'),
title: 'Átomos',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('docs_molecules'),
title: 'Moléculas',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('docs_organisms'),
title: 'Organismos',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('index_models'),
title: 'Plantillas',
text: 'Modelos de páxinas',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('index_pages'),
title: 'Páxinas de exemplo',
text: '',
modifiers: ''
} %}
{% endblock %}