templates/templates/pages/center/center-departments.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends "layouts/organization.html.twig" %}
  2. {% block bodyClass %}{% endblock %}
  3. {% block siteHeader %}
  4.   {% include 'organisms/organization-header.html.twig' %}
  5. {% endblock %}
  6. {% block pageHeader %}
  7.     {% include 'molecules/page-header.html.twig' with {
  8.         title: 'Departamentos'
  9.     } %}
  10. {% endblock %}
  11. {% block pageContent %}
  12.     <section class="org-tier is-marginless-top">
  13.         <div class="tier-header">
  14.           <h2 class="tier-title">Con sede no centro</h2>
  15.           <div class="tier-action">
  16.           </div>
  17.         </div>
  18.         <div class="tier-content">
  19.             <div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
  20.                 {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
  21.                   modifiers: 'is-light',
  22.                   title: 'Nome de departamento',
  23.                   link: path('department-frontpage'),
  24.                 } %}
  25.                 {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
  26.                   modifiers: 'is-light',
  27.                   title: 'Nome de departamento',
  28.                   link: path('department-frontpage'),
  29.                 } %}
  30.                 {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
  31.                   modifiers: 'is-light',
  32.                   title: 'Nome de departamento',
  33.                   link: path('department-frontpage'),
  34.                 } %}
  35.                 {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
  36.                   modifiers: 'is-light',
  37.                   title: 'Nome de departamento',
  38.                   link: path('department-frontpage'),
  39.                 } %}{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
  40.                   modifiers: 'is-light',
  41.                   title: 'Nome de departamento',
  42.                   link: path('department-frontpage'),
  43.                 } %}{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
  44.                   modifiers: 'is-light',
  45.                   title: 'Nome de departamento',
  46.                   link: path('department-frontpage'),
  47.                 } %}
  48.               </div>
  49.             </div>
  50.           </section>
  51.         </section>
  52.             <section class="org-tier has-advanced-actions">
  53.                 <div class="tier-header">
  54.                   <h2 class="tier-title">Con docencia no centro</h2>
  55.                   <div class="tier-action">
  56.                       <div class="ml-filters-group">
  57.                           <usc-text-filter
  58.                               target-container="#banners-container-1"
  59.                               target-items=".ml-banner"
  60.                           ></usc-text-filter>
  61.                       </div>
  62.                   </div>
  63.                 </div>
  64.                 <div class="tier-content">
  65.                     <div class="org-modules-container has-banners" id="banners-container-1">
  66.                         {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Anatomía, Produción Animal e Ciencias Clínicas Veterinarias', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
  67.                         {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Bioloxía Funcional', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
  68.                         {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Bioquímica e Bioloxía Molecular', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
  69.                         {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Botánica', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
  70.                         {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Ciencia Política e Socioloxía', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
  71.                         {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Ciencias da Comunicación', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
  72.                         {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Ciencias Forenses, Anatomía Patolóxica, Xinecoloxía e Obstetricia, e Pediatría ', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
  73.                         {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Ciencias Morfolóxicas', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
  74.                         {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Cirurxía e Especialidades Médico-Cirúrxicas', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
  75.                         {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Dereito Común', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
  76.                         {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Dereito Público e Teoría do Estado', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
  77.                         {% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Dereito Público Especial e da Empresa', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
  78.                     </div>
  79.                 </div>
  80.             </section>
  81. {% endblock %}
  82. {% block siteFooter %}
  83.     {% include 'organisms/site-footer.html.twig' %}
  84. {% endblock %}