{% extends "layouts/organization.html.twig" %}
{% block bodyClass %}{% endblock %}
{% block siteHeader %}
{% include 'organisms/organization-header.html.twig' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block pageHeader %}
{% include 'molecules/page-header.html.twig' with {
title: 'Departamentos'
} %}
{% endblock %}
{% block pageContent %}
<section class="org-tier is-marginless-top">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Con sede no centro</h2>
<div class="tier-action">
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
modifiers: 'is-light',
title: 'Nome de departamento',
link: path('department-frontpage'),
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
modifiers: 'is-light',
title: 'Nome de departamento',
link: path('department-frontpage'),
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
modifiers: 'is-light',
title: 'Nome de departamento',
link: path('department-frontpage'),
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
modifiers: 'is-light',
title: 'Nome de departamento',
link: path('department-frontpage'),
} %}{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
modifiers: 'is-light',
title: 'Nome de departamento',
link: path('department-frontpage'),
} %}{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
modifiers: 'is-light',
title: 'Nome de departamento',
link: path('department-frontpage'),
} %}
<section class="org-tier has-advanced-actions">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Con docencia no centro</h2>
<div class="tier-action">
<div class="ml-filters-group">
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners" id="banners-container-1">
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Anatomía, Produción Animal e Ciencias Clínicas Veterinarias', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Bioloxía Funcional', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Bioquímica e Bioloxía Molecular', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Botánica', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Ciencia Política e Socioloxía', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Ciencias da Comunicación', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Ciencias Forenses, Anatomía Patolóxica, Xinecoloxía e Obstetricia, e Pediatría ', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Ciencias Morfolóxicas', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Cirurxía e Especialidades Médico-Cirúrxicas', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Dereito Común', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Dereito Público e Teoría do Estado', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'is-light', hasImage: false, title: 'Dereito Público Especial e da Empresa', link: path('department-frontpage') } %}
{% endblock %}
{% block siteFooter %}
{% include 'organisms/site-footer.html.twig' %}
{% endblock %}