{% extends "layouts/master.html.twig" %}
{% block bodyClass %}tpl-level-2 is-government{% endblock %}
{% block siteHeader %}
{% include 'organisms/site-header.html.twig' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block pageContent %}
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/xl.html.twig' with { modifiers: 'has-filter', title:'Goberno', hasImage: true } %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Modelos</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/l.html.twig' with {
modifiers: '', title:'Portadas de áreas de goberno', text:'Nivel2', link: path('government-areas-level2'), hasImage: true } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
modifiers: '', title:'Subportadas', text: 'Nivel3', link: path('government-areas-level3'), hasImage: false } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
modifiers: '', title:'Subportadas', text: 'Nivel4', link: path('government-areas-level4'), hasImage: false } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
modifiers: '', title:'Páxina xenérica', link: path('government-areas-generic'), hasImage: false } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
modifiers: '', title:'Taboleiro (Secretaría/Xerencia Informa)', link:path('government-board-informa'), hasImage: false } %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
modifiers: '', title:'Taboleiro(Programa de Formación e Innovación Docente)', link: path('government-board-informa'), hasImage: false } %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Diario de goberno</h2>
<div class="tier-action">
<a href="{{ path('government-journal') }}">ver máis</a>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container">
{% include 'molecules/news/m.html.twig' with { hasImage: true, link: path('government-journal') } %}
{% include 'molecules/news/m.html.twig' with { hasImage: true } %}
{% include 'molecules/news/m.html.twig' with { hasImage: true } %}
{% include 'molecules/news/m.html.twig' %}
{% include 'molecules/news/m.html.twig' %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Ligazóns a elementos de servizos</h2>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
modifiers: 'is-services is-program',
title: 'Programa',
text: '',
hasImage: false,
link: path ('services-program'),
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
modifiers: 'is-services is-program',
title: 'Programa',
hasImage: false,
link: path ('services-program'),
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
modifiers: 'is-services is-entity',
title: 'Oficina ou unidade relacionada',
text: '',
hasImage: false,
link: path ('services-unity'),
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
modifiers: 'is-services is-entity',
title: 'Instalación',
text: '',
link: path ('services-facility'),
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
modifiers: 'is-services is-entity',
title: 'Instalación singular',
text: '',
link: path ('services-singular-facility'),
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
modifiers: 'is-services is-activity',
title: 'Actividade',
link: path ('services-activity'),
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
modifiers: 'is-services is-activity',
title: 'Actividade',
link: path ('services-activity'),
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/s.html.twig' with {
modifiers: 'is-services is-strategy',
title: 'Estratexia',
link: path ('services-strategy'),
} %}
<section class="org-tier">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Axenda</h2>
<div class="tier-action">
<a href="">ver máis</a>
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="org-modules-container">
{% include 'molecules/events/m.html.twig' with { hasDate: true } %}
{% include 'molecules/events/m.html.twig' with { hasDate: true } %}
{% include 'molecules/events/m.html.twig' with { hasDate: true } %}
{% include 'molecules/events/m.html.twig' with { hasDate: true } %}
{% endblock %}
{% block siteFooter %}
{% include 'organisms/site-footer.html.twig' %}
{% endblock %}