{% extends "layouts/services.html.twig" %}
{% block bodyClass %}tpl-level-2{% endblock %}
{% block siteHeader %}
{% include 'organisms/services-header.html.twig' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block pageHeader %}
<div class="page-header-wrapper">
<div class="container">
{% include 'molecules/page-header-with-menu.html.twig' with {
title: 'Mapa de servizos'
} %}
{% endblock %}
{% block pageContent %}
:options="[{key: 'is-type-2', name: 'Áreas', selected: true}, {key: 'is-type-1', name: 'Unidades de servizo', selected: false}]"
<div class="org-modules-container has-banners">
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: '#banners-1',
linkClass: 'has-smooth-scroll',
title: 'Servizos á comunidade universitaria',
modifiers: 'is-services is-type-1 is-program',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: '#banners-2',
linkClass: 'has-smooth-scroll',
title: 'Administracion',
modifiers: 'is-services is-type-1 is-program',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: '#banners-3',
linkClass: 'has-smooth-scroll',
title: 'Apoio á docencia e á investigación',
modifiers: 'is-services is-type-1 is-program',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'Bolsas e axudas',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'Orientación laboral e saídas profesionais',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'Intercambios e mobilidade',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'Deportes',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'Cultura',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'Residencias',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'Servizos bibliotecarios',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'Normalización lingüística',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'Igualdade.',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'Desenvolvemento Sostible.',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'Voluntariado, participación e inclusión',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'Dereitos e asesoramento xurídico.',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'I+D',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'Transferencia e emprendemento',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
{% include 'molecules/banners/m.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-area-frontpage'),
title: 'Calidade',
modifiers: 'is-negative is-type-2',
text: '',
} %}
<section class="org-tier has-advanced-actions is-content-filtered is-type-1 is-hidden" id="banners-1">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Servizos á comunidade universitaria</h2>
<div class="tier-action">
<div class="ml-filters-group">
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="row" id="comunity">
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
link: path('services-unity'),
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
title: 'Área de Calidade e Mellora dos Procedementos',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Área de Cultura',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Área de Orientación Laboral e Emprego',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Área de Tecnoloxías da Información e das Comunicacións (ATIC)',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Área de Xestión de Infraestruturas',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Cafetarías e Comedores',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Casa Europa',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Escola Infantil "Breogán"',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Fonoteca',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Gabinete de Comunicación',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Imprenta Universitaria',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Observatorio do Código Ético',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Oficina de Desenvolvemento Sostible',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Oficina de Igualdade de Xénero',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Oficina de Información Universitaria (OIU)',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Oficina Web',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Parque Móbil',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Programa “A Ponte entre o Ensino Medio e a USC” ',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Correos',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Deportes',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Normalización Lingüística',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Optometría',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Participación e Integración Universitaria',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Prevención de Riscos',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Área de ergonomía e psicosocioloxía',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Área de hixiene',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Área de seguridade',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de protección radiolóxica',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de vixilancia da saúde',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Unidade de xestión de residuos perigosos',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Relacións Exteriores',
text: '(SRE)',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Unidade de Convenios',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo Universitario de Residencias',
text: '(SUR)',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Valedor da Comunidade Universitaria',
text: '',
} %}
<section class="org-tier has-advanced-actions is-content-filtered is-type-1 is-hidden" id="banners-2">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Administración</h2>
<div class="tier-action">
<div class="ml-filters-group">
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="row" id="admin">
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Oficina de Análise de Reclamacións',
text: '(OAR)',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Asesoría Xurídica',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Axudas e Servizos o Alumnado',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Contabilidade e Orzamentos',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Control Interno',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Planificación de Persoal Docente e Investigador',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Planificación e Programación de PAS',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Xestión Académica',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Unidades de Xestión Académica (UXA)',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Xestión de Persoal',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Xestión Económica',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Xestión da Oferta e Programación Académica',
text: '',
} %}
<section class="org-tier has-advanced-actions is-content-filtered is-type-1 is-hidden" id="banners-3">
<div class="tier-header">
<h2 class="tier-title">Apoio á docencia e á investigación</h2>
<div class="tier-action">
<div class="ml-filters-group">
<div class="tier-content">
<div class="row" id="academic">
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Área de Valorización, Transferencia e Emprendemento ',
text: '(AVTE/OTRI)',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Arquivo Histórico Universitario',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Biblioteca Universitaria',
text: '(BUSC)',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Centro de Estudos e Documentación Europeos da USC',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Centro de Linguas Modernas',
text: '(CLM)',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Centro de Tecnoloxías para a aprendizaxe',
text: '(CeTA)',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago',
text: '(CHUS)',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Estación Científica do Courel',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Estación de Bioloxía Mariña da Graña',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Estación Hidrobiolóxica "Encoro do Con"',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Herbario SANT',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Hospital Clínico Veterinario Rof Codina',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Laboratorio de Caracterización Enerxética e Meteorolóxica ',
text: '(LACEM)',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Museo de Historia Natural',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Observatorio Astronómico "Ramón Mª Aller"',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Oficina de Investigación e Tecnoloxía',
text: '(OIT)',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Rede de Aulas de Informática',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Rede de Infraestruturas de Apoio á Investigación e o Desenvolvemento',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Resonancia Magnética',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Raios X',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Microscopía Electrónica e Confocal',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Espectrometría de Masas e Proteómica',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Análise Elemental',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'IR-RAMAN',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Magnetosusceptibilidade',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Crioxenia',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Apoio Analítico',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Experimentación Animal',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Arqueometría',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Soprado de Vidro e Cuarzo',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Secuenciación e Xenómica Funcional',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Avaliación de Actividades Farmacolóxicas de Compostos Químicos',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Sistemas de Información Territorial',
text: '(SIT)',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Laboratorio de Radiofísica',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Enxeñería da Madeira Estrutural',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Área de Radioisótopos e Protección Radiolóxica',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Medios Audiovisuales ',
text: '(SERVIMAV)',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Servizo Técnico de Instrumentación Científica',
text: '',
} %}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{% include 'molecules/generic-summary/summary.html.twig' with {
icon: 'at-icon-location-alt',
link: path('services-unity'),
title: 'Unidade de tabaquismo e trastornos aditivos',
text: '',
} %}
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{% include 'organisms/site-footer.html.twig' %}
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$(function () {
window.uscUi.eventBus.$on('content-filter-filtered', function (contentFilterId, value) {
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